关于化妆品的英语词汇大全 30句菁华
1、护肤: skin care
2、眼膜: eye mask
3、护唇用:Lip care
4、磨砂膏: facial scrub
5、去黑头: pore cleanser/striper pore refining
中考英语词汇运用题练习 30句菁华
1、Will you please show me how___________(use) QQ _________(talk) with each other online.
2、But now they have_________(little) and_______(little) land to live on. They play an important part in____________(control) the climate.
3、I think classical music is__________(please).
4、Beijing is one of his favorite____________(city).
5、When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher__________(teach) him_________(play) the piano.
与气候相关的英语词汇 30句菁华
1、temperature 温度
2、humidity 湿度
3、balmy 芬芳温和的
4、dramatic 剧烈的
5、brilliant 灿烂的
100条交通规则英语词汇 30句菁华
1、停车标志 mark car stop
2、红绿灯 traffic light
3、自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
4、黄灯 amber light
5、岗亭 police box
资产评估的英语词汇 40句菁华
1、liabilities evaluation 负债评估
2、restore replacement cost 复原重置成本
3、rate of risk return on investment 风险报酬率
4、adjustment coefficient of road condition 车辆行驶路况调整系数 purchase cost of vehicle 车辆购置费
5、newness rate 成新率
计算机的英语词汇 40句菁华
电影相关英语词汇 40句菁华
1、film library 电影资料馆
2、premiere 首映式
3、Board of Censors 审查署
4、release 准予上映
5、U-certificate U级
教育的英语词汇 40句菁华
1、school day 教学日
2、timetable 课程表
3、class, lesson 课
4、homework 家庭作业
5、exercise 练习
工作的英语词汇 40句菁华
1、seasonal work 季节工作
2、shift work 换班工作
3、employment, job 工作
4、job 一件工作
5、work permit 工作许可证
商业的英语词汇 40句菁华
1、inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易
2、international trade 国际贸易
3、free-trade area 自由贸易区
4、export, exportation 出口
5、customs duty 关税
电气专业英语词汇 50句菁华